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1. Grape seed oil

Grapeseed oil has nourishing and moisturizing properties that will help keep your skin healthy and looking youthful longer. It’s especially effective around the eye area, although it is also used to heal wounds. It’s full of antioxidants that reverse the aging process, and when applied to dry skin will keep it hydrated, slowing the development of wrinkles.

2. Vitamin E

This vitamin is a savior to dry skin and lubricates the eye area to give it a more youthful appearance, preventing future wrinkles. Vitamin E capsules are available in health food stores. Just apply it at bedtime every day for at least a week (or more, depending on your level of wrinkles).

2. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is perfect for fighting and preventing wrinkles, and also moisturizes dry skin. With daily use, you’ll start seeing amazing results in just a week. Then continue using this oil once or twice a week to maintain the appearance of beautiful skin.

3. Avocados

The natural oils from the avocado fruit are very effective in reducing the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. Cut an avocado in half and apply some of the pulp to the area that’s prone to lines and wrinkles.

4. Cucumber

Cucumber is a perfect treatment for tired eyes (which is why it’s always turning up in so many beauty products), but it also has the ability to reduce wrinkles, crow’s feet, and dark circles. You can simply place slices of raw cucumber over the eyes, or make a paste by mixing the pulp with a little cold water.

5. Orange juice

Vitamin C isn’t the only thing that oranges provide. Squeeze a little of the fresh juice, dip a cotton ball in it, and apply it to the areas where wrinkles appear in the morning and evening. In just a few weeks you’ll notice the changes in your skin.

6. Castor oil

This is one of the oldest recipes in the book for reducing wrinkles. Apply a few drops of this oil to the fingertips and then massage it into your skin. Always do this before bedtime and make sure you don’t leave an oily residue on your face. The massaging action helps it reach the deeper layers of the dermis. Repeat this twice a week.

7. Yogurt

Wash your face and dry it well. Mix a tablespoon of plain yogurt, a tablespoon of honey, half a teaspoon of orange juice and ¼ cup sliced bananas. When you get a homogeneous cream, apply it to your face and let sit for 15 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.

8. Lemon juice

Lemon juice is a natural toner for skin that reduces wrinkles and opens up the pores. Rub it on your face and neck at night, taking care not to get any into your eyes. Rinse with a little water and follow with a light moisturizer. Remember not to go outdoors or sunbathe for a few hours after washing your face with lemon juice, because it can cause sunspots.

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