The protagonist of many outfits for women is a beautiful and stunning cleavage. Therefore, if we want to keep it smooth and youth, we must not ignore the specific care required by this part of our body. The skin of the neck is more delicate and has a greater tendency to aging than other areas, a reason to follow a few tips to help us care for the skin of the neck and look for sure our favorite blouses.
We are going to give you some advices to care neckline and prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles:
Protect the skin
The neckline is one of the areas that suffers more before sun exposure. Therefore, it is often the appearance of sunspots and burns when exposed to excess UV. To avoid this, it is essential to protect the skin of the neck with high factor sun creams, whether sunbathe on the beach and when we wear shirts that leave this bare chest.
Apply a moisturizer after getting a shower.
If you prefer, a good treatment can be apply a moisturizer in the morning and another anti-aging and firming formula night. You will notice the results!(Ask us about our Montibello Creams).
Exfoliate the neckline.
To maintain a neat and beautiful yet neckline, should be included in your routine care specific exfoliation. Being a very sensitive area, you should opt for scrubs that are soft and do it once every two weeks. With this, you will eliminate all impurities and avoid the appearance of granite.
Choose the correct bra.
Choosing the right bra not only pick either the chest, but it will prevent excess skin to stretch and sagging and wrinkles appear at the neckline.
Tone your muscles.
Toning to strengthen chest muscles is key to boast a nice cleavage. There are sports like swimming that are ideal for this, but so are specific exercises you can do at home or in the gym to reaffirm the chest. Some good choices are the exercises performed with dumbbells, pushups, rowing or pulley.
Drink water.
We can’t forget what is most precious to maintain a healthy and flawless skin at all times: drink plenty of water. Just as this habit is reflected in the vitality of our skin, it is also essential for skin care neckline and ensure hydration.