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Closing Opened Pores

A beautiful and attractive skin is the result of many factors: genetics, our diet, hydration and care what we can offer externally. But it is not only to protect against the sun or using cosmetic creams, we also have to do periodics cleaning and take care to keep it in good condition. Take- Care gives you the steps to learn how to close the open pores of the face and make it look perfect.


Every day our skin fight against pollution, dust, high temperatures and fat than our own skin produces. All these factors make the impurities accumulate in our pores, causing them to open, so it is very important to clean your face regularly.

In the beginning you should maintain a daily cleaning routine washing your face deeply and always removing makeup, then go to bed with dirty face will only make your pores to open faster and would enhance premature aging.

Use lotions and special cleaning products for your skin type, particularly if it is fat because you will have greater tendency to accumulate impurities on your pores.

Always read the labels before purchasing any cosmetic, and if you're not sure what the best ingredients for you, it is best to consult a dermatologist to give you a list of recommended products according to your complexion.

In addition to daily care, every 15 days can apply a cleansing mask a deeper effect. In the market there are several options that allow you to eliminate accumulated impurities and exfoliate your skin, and removing dead cells and making it look smoother and beautiful. You can also choose to make a homemade mask. Or you can ask us about our creams to balance the oily skin.

You can do a scrub 100% effective and home-made, based granulated oatmeal and yogurt, apply on your face and then gently rubbing leave it for a few minutes. Then apply a toner and moisturizer and you'll have a perfect skin in minutes

Another effective mask is honey with refined sugar that meets a fantastic effect by removing dead cells of our skin which favors closing the pores. To get it follow the same instructions of the previous screen and you will see great results.

And don't forget to do a deeply clean facial every month or two month if you have a oily skin. Or every 3 months if your skin is mixt and once a year if your skin is dry.

And if you want to be pampered by experts in beauty treatments, don’t doubt to visit us. Take-Care has different treatments to reduce and rejuvenate the skin. Call us (0508201854) and ask for a IPL facial treatment or Dermobrasion with a diamond tips to reduce the opened pores and rejuvenate the skin!

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